York County Disabilities Foundation

The Foundation is recognized as a non-profit 501(c)(3) entity and all contributions are tax deductible.

Mail checks to:
Miracle Park
PO Box 37021
Rock Hill, SC 29732

Make checks payable to "Miracle Park."

You may designate your gift "in honor" or "in memory" of a loved one by adding a comment to your online donation or include a note with your check. If you want someone to receive an acknowledgement, please include that information with the donation and be sure to include the address.

The Miracle Park is maintained and operated by the City of Rock Hill Parks, Recreation & Tourism Department.  Please contact them with questions or concerns:

If you have questions specific to development and fundraising, please contact Kylie Carroll, the Executive Director of Miracle Park, HERE.

Call Miracle Park at 803-325-2650 or email to let us know of your interest in helping with programs at Miracle Park.

1005 Eden Terrace
Rock Hill, SC 29730

Terry Hagen:

Jonathan Shea